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Posted by on in Fossil Fuels
By Bruce Finley The Denver Post Fast pumping of oil and gas industry waste fluids deep underground — at rates exceeding 300,000 barrels a month — is linked to the national surge in earthquakes, according to a study unveiled Thursday. University of Colorado and U.S. Geolog...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion linked cli­mate change to hu­man health Tues­day, say­ing unchecked green­house gas pol­lu­tion could cause 57,000 deaths a year by 2100 from bad air and 12,000 from ex­treme tem­per­a­tures — find­ings Colorado law­mak­ers ad­dressed at a fo­rum. “The chang­ing cli­mat...
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Posted by on in Animals
Life has suddenly gotten easier for the sardine. Federal regulators are not only closing the commercial sardine fishing season early in Oregon, Washington and California, but it will stay closed for more than a year. The decision to shut down the sardine harvest is an effort to build up depleted st...
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Posted by on in Clean Technology
By Mark Jaffe The Denver Post One of the most fertile grounds for solar panels in the U.S. looks to be big cities, where by the end of 2014 about 1,300 megawatts were installed — enough to power 250,000 homes. A study on urban solar by the Frontier Group and Environment America found while cities...
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Posted by on in Animals
Beekeepers across the country report almost a quarter of the estimated 2.4 million commercial colonies have been lost since fall 2006. Colony failure is not unusual year-to-year. Food shortages, weather, pesticide exposures and infestations by pests wipe out significant numbers of colonies every ye...
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Posted by on in Water Conservation
Maria Venegas, 61, holds 20-month-old grandson Julian after giving him a bath outside. They live in Seville, California, a community in the San Joaquin Valley whose water system failed this summer but will soon be fixed. Maria rarely has running water in the house.  Farmers are guzzling ground...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Pope Francis has urged Ecuadorians to not let progress destroy the country’s natural environments, including Ecuador’s famed Galapagos Islands, an archipelago whose biodiversity is known around the world but whose fragile habitat is threatened by climate change, particularly by the worsening effect ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s website. Pope Francis continues to preach environmentalism as he addresses crowds in Latin America, a challenging message in poor countries where over-exploitation of natural resources is a constant temptation.  These are also countries and populations, ...
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Posted by on in Water Conservation
As California endures its fourth year of drought, water restrictions are taking effect across the state. On April 1, Governor Jerry Brown signed an executive order implementing a mandatory 25 percent water cutback in cities and towns across the state from 2013 usage levels. It took effect June 1. B...
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Posted by on in Lakes/Rivers/Wetlands
EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finalized the Clean Water Rule to clearly protect the streams and wetlands that form the foundation of the nation’s water resources. Protection for many of the nation’s streams and wetlands has been confusing, complex, and time-consuming as the result of Supr...
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Posted by on in Green Products/Services
What is sustainable, responsible and impact investing? Sustainable, responsible and impact investing (SRI) is an investment discipline that considers environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria to generate long-term competitive financial returns and positive societal impact. SRI ...
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Posted by on in Water Conservation
About one third of Earth's largest groundwater basins are being rapidly depleted by human consumption, despite having little accurate data about how much water remains in them, according to two new studies led by the University of California, Irvine (UCI), using data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Stabilizing the global climate is one of the most urgent challenges in coming decades. Our warming world affects all people and ecosystems, particularly the poor who already suffer disproportionately from climate-change impacts.   Global Investment for a Resilient Low-Carbon Economy Major fi...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Meeting this week in the shadow of the Bavarian Alps, the Group of Seven (G7) leading industrialized nations sent out strong signals that the world needs to shift away from fossil fuels this century while enhancing finance for those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. These signals ar...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
BONN, GERMANY/WASHINGTON, DC (8 June 2015) — On June 7th and 8th, government leaders met at the G7 Summit in Schloss Elmau, Germany. On the topic of climate change, G7 leaders demonstrated their support for a goal to phase out greenhouse gas emissions over the course of this century and reached a se...
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Posted by on in Fishing
By Allie Wilkinson  More than 90 species of marine fishes in Europe’s waters are threatened with extinction, according to a report published today by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Sharks, rays, and other cartilaginous fish are at greatest risk, with about 40% f...
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Posted by on in Fishing
Shark fins worth up to $1.5m discovered after raids on nine properties in the port city of Manta Hundreds of shark fins seized by the police in Manta, Ecuador. Photograph: Ecuador's Attorney General/AP Police in the Ecuadorian port city of Manta say they have seized about 200,000 shark fins dest...
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Posted by on in Air Quality
The rhetoric is there, but issues of oversight appear to be blocking real progress. By Lotus Yang Ruan March 16, 2015 In early March, a debate over China’s action (or inaction) on the environment gripped both Chinese and international media. While air pollution and other environmental degradation...
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Posted by on in Transportation
By Byron Kidd Cycling to work in Tokyo may do more than just keep you healthy, fit and happy, it also may help you earn a little additional income on the side if our employer isn't smart enough to have a bike to work policy in place. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 86% of Ja...
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Posted by on in Fossil Fuels
Incoming Texas Gov. Greg Abbott created a stir last week during a speech to the conservative and influential think tank the Texas Public Policy Foundation, where he accused Texas cities of contributing to the "California-ization" of Texas. "The truth is, Texas is being California-ized with bag bans...
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